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Showing posts from September, 2018

4 Simple Techniques on How Do I Stop My Dog From Barking

Dogs bark to communicate. We talk to communicate various things and dogs bark. They can bark for many reasons because they are territorial and trying to guard their house or their area. If they are excited and wanting to play. If they want to get their owners attention for various reasons wether it's to get their toy, to let them outside or just to get pet. They could be barking because they are afraid of something. As you can see there are many reasons why a dog barks and they are all ways that he communicates. If you are giving them what they want when they are barking for attention and you give it to them..then they have learned that barking gives them what they want. To stop your dog from barking u must socialize it with many people. Most dogs bark because they are curious to know about different things. Whenever your dog barks try saying "speak" or "bark" so that your dog knows when to bark. Try rewarding her with some treat the next time she barks when y